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Developing a relationship with work is absolutely essential for a sustainable creative career. It will always take work to get where we want to go, but identifying just what that work is - and then engaging with it productively - is often the hardest part. It's easy to fall off course during the hard parts of our work, to lose sight of the point, which is why I believe mentorship is so important. Developing relationships with people who know your goals deeply not only fosters accountability and resiliency, but also helps us stay productively engaged with the thing that will always be waiting for us - the work.
Here's how I can help:
As a creative consultant, I'm here to help you identify exactly what your work is and develop actionable strategies for engaging with it, all so you can pursue your goals with rigorous clarity.
I offer choreographic mentorship as you create new work, development of effective learning and communication strategies in your teaching practice, and targeted coaching for your auditions and applications. If you're looking for support outside of these three areas, don't hesitate to get in touch anyway. Our creativity doesn't often fit neatly into categories, and I'd be more than happy to customize our exchange to best fit your goals.
In-person and virtual consultations are both available. For in-person consultations, please email me with a description of what you're looking for.
1 hour minimum
$80 per hour
For virtual consultations, please see link below.
I can't wait to do the work with you.
30 min
40 US dollars